Who is Swami Gaur Gopal Das? Gaur Gopal Das is an Internet sensation and a regular on the podiums celebrity monk at various events. His motivational words combined with his spiritual knowledge resonate with people from all walks of life. He prefers to call himself a monk who is also a personal coach and motivational strategist.
Before renouncing the materialistic world he had a busy corporate life as an engineer at HP. He left his job in 1996 and joined ISKCON (International Society of Krishna Consciousness). He got the opportunity to learn from his mentor Radhanath Swami who is a disciple of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He includes his personal life’s experiences in his speech which helps his audiences to relate to his teachings. A person who has experienced chaos can only understand the value of calmness. That can be one of the reasons he understands what an average person goes through in a day to day life. He has been a student himself, that’s why he knows what a typical student goes through while preparing for an entrance exam. His golden words are originated from his life experiences as a common man and monk. He speaks with vim and vigor, which always leaves his audience fascinated while they slip into his inspirational learnings. He is also the author of the book, Life’s Amazing Secrets. He received several awards from many organizations all over the world for his excellent work for the mankind and society.
Here are 51 inspiring quotes from the Gaur Gopal Das, which are extracted from his most famous speeches and books. We hope that his profound vision and thoughts inspire you the same way they have inspired millions.
Gaur Gopal Das Quotes about Life

“Live, love, laugh, lead and leave. That’s life.”
“Our experience in life depends on what we focus on. If we change our focus, we can change our life.”
“A satisfying life is not a privilege of a few. It is the birthright of every human being.”
“Right things are not always easy to do, but they pay us back with an excellent reward in the long run.”

“Even a small part of our morning spent in self-awareness can make a large difference in the way we lead our day.”
“There are no shortcuts in life. Doing small things correctly and consistently will help us reach our true potential.”
“The fear of missing out (FOMO), thinking that the grass is greener elsewhere, and living a life out of balance are all symptoms of having incorrectly prioritized happiness outside of ourselves.”

“Every moment lived well is the secret of overall wellness.”
Gaur Gopal Das Quotes on Self Development

“Passion is about figuring out what you are great at and what you love to do.”
“Open-mindedness is appreciated by everyone.”
“Everyone experiences anxiety, but they taste different flavors of it.”
“Always remember that your most important project is you. You won’t be able to work on anything or anyone unless you have worked on yourself.”

“Let your choices not circumstances define you.”
“To focus on what we can do is the most powerful catalyst for growth.”
“Every single day, ask yourself this question, “Am I doing a little better than what I was yesterday” keep improving. Keep working on being a better version of yourself.”
“Reckless indulgence can bring an intermission into our mission.”
“To move on and accept change is the sign of wisdom and maturity.”

“Self-discipline is about taking charge of your mind and directing it to act in the best interest of yourself.”
“Decisions based on wisdom, more than emotion, have a better chance of being right.”
Gaur Gopal Das Quotes on Worry

“We always have a choice: to listen to our lower self and indulge or to listen to our higher self and improve.”
“It is important to fix our inner world to be effective in our outer world.”
“If you want to change the way you feel, change the way you live.”
“Everybody is more or less going through challenging situations. What you tell yourself, internally decides whether you will sink or swim.”
“Don’t lose yourself in the noise of public opinion. Whichever way you do things, there will be those who will criticize. So, learn the art of listening to your inner voice.”
Gaur Gopal Das Quotes for Corporates and Entrepreneurs

“Do you know what oxymoron is? Words like pretty ugly, happily married. Well, business ethics is an oxymoron.”
“We have to move from HRM to Human Asset Motivation (HAM). We have to treat people as assets and motivate them beyond just earning money.”
“Those who are credit-driven can never be leaders but managers, as they have to keep their jobs secure.”
“Those who only surf will be affected by the ups and downs of life, but there are divers who swim beneath and no matter what the ups and downs, they are not affected by the turbulence.”
“A good leader is one who is a good follower of another good leader.”

“The leadership is about speaking less and doing more. It is the art of DARING, CARING, and SHARING.”
“Work for a cause, not for applause. Live your life to express, not to impress.”
Gaur Gopal Das Quotes on Sorry

“If you say sorry to someone, that doesn’t mean you are wrong, that just means you value the person more than being right.”
“When a man says sorry when he is wrong is called honest. A man who says sorry when he is not sure is called wise and a man who says sorry even when he is right is called husband.”
“Forgiveness is the foundation of a meaningful, deep, true relationship.”
“To let go if somebody has hurt us and to say a sorry if we have hurt somebody, and letting things go is what makes relationships profound, meaningful and deep.”

“You have to choose what do you want; being right or love? If you want love sometimes you have to say sorry, even if you are right.”
“One who genuinely regrets for a mistake not only feels bad about it but is also willing to accept its consequences and work hard to rectify it.”
Gaur Gopal Das Quotes on Meditation

“Meditation completely transforms our character, develops the best of qualities within us and allows us to experience self-realization.”
“One doesn’t have to wait to see the effects of meditation in the afterlife. We can see them in this life if we practice it diligently and under the right guidance.”
“A spiritual process gives us the ability to come out of the mental loop and helps transform the greatest difficulties into opportunities.”
“Meditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, our anger; and that is very healing.”
“Feed your faith and all your doubts shall starve to death.”

Gaur Gopal Das Quotes on Perception
“It’s not what you see, but how you see, that brings wisdom.”

“What we see in others depends on the window we are looking through. Washing our own windows can change our vision.”
Gaur Gopal Das Quotes on Relationships

“Our mutual funds and our relationships have one thing in common: we must invest in them before we can withdraw.”
“If we are not proactive in our relationships, they start to seem dry and become cumbersome.”
“Appreciation is one of the greatest investments in a relationship. Don’t hold back. The other side will never know how you feel about them until you express yourself.”
“IT’S JUST MY PERSONALITY,” is not an acceptable excuse to be insensitive towards others.”
“It takes a lot of substance and character to maintain a relationship.”

“Greatness comes not just, by doing great things but by being grateful.”
Read more Gaur Gopal Das Quotes.