Turning to the quotes by famous educators, it is not only possible to get inspired and learn how to achieve academic success but also to develop new learning strategies and combine available resources and the objectives that you plan to achieve. To paraphrase the words of Nelson Mandela, education is the only and most powerful weapon that we can use as human beings to change the world we live in. Indeed, education is a flexible matter that helps us to work hard and grow spiritually. It does not even matter if a person starts learning while being young or when about to turn eighty because learning helps people to stay young and have things to look forward to. These quotes from famous educators will help you to gain wisdom and inspire others.
Best Quotes by Famous Educators
When you are looking for immortal sayings by famous educators, make sure that you also take time to learn more about the great personalities behind the quotes. Remember that what you learn cannot be taken away from you!
“Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best.”

– Bob Talbert
These words by Bob Talbert, a famous columnist and political sciences educator, speak the truth as teaching should be way more than just following the curriculum and telling the youngsters what must be done. An educator has to explain why something counts and how it matters. Likewise, if writing your thoughts down does not work for you, seek an alternative, explore the options, and see letsgradeit.com as a way to see how your writing skills can be improved and what other learning methods are available.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

– Maimonides
This famous quote from an educator, physician, and famous Jewish Law reformist sums up all there is to education and learning that remains true for centuries. It’s the way of thinking that Maimonides has put in a single quote. We may provide people with what they need, yet if they fail to learn how it’s achieved, they are doomed to fail. Learning is what matters as it helps to make the circle complete.

A man’s mind, stretched by new ideas, may never return to its original dimensions.

– Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
As a famous legal scholar and an associate member of the Supreme Court of the United States, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. is famous for his words about free speech and critical legal studies. The art of education has always been paramount for Holmes Jr, along with the constant exploration and readiness for new ideas. It does not matter if you are about to compose a simple blog post or feel ready to write first memoir; you must stretch your mind and explore beyond the limits that life sets for you!
“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”

– Abigail Adams
As a fighter for women’s rights and one of the first educators that opposed slavery and supported the education of women, Abigail Adams is the author of numerous famous quotes dealing with education. Her words still sound true today as we must fight to make education accessible to all people regardless of their age, nationality, gender, location, or social background.
“You learn something every day if you pay attention.”

– Ray LeBlond
Indeed, attention is the key when you are learning, as it is also one of the best ways to avoid procrastination and push yourself forward. Paying attention is an art in itself as it helps to take notes and notice many things that we could easily ignore otherwise. As we start paying attention, the world becomes a totally different place. Try it for yourself to see!
Students Can Learn From Educators
The famous sayings by educators are not only useful for college professors or those who plan to create online courses but for school learners as well because the famous words help to see the learning purpose. As a student, you should research and take notes of every piece of wisdom that comes your way. Education is not a destination but a journey that a person takes, which acts as a special passport that helps to open many doors. The quotes are like those little stepping stones that will bring you to the light and freedom of learning and enlightenment.