“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.”
– Brad Paisley
Every New year comes with new hope and aspirations. This is on us how we utilize it to change ourselves for a better life and better us. It is beautiful that each new year gives us an opportunity to reinvent our lives and rediscover ourselves. It is a gift, and we must make most of it.
Most of us initially bask in the glow of the new year, but slowly the light starts to wear off. Our last new year resolutions never even made it to February. The reasons for it could be many, but the main cause of it is our habits. Breaking habits can be tricky and seems impossible. To keep going and achieve your targets, you need all sort of inspiration and motivation. That’s why we have created a list of New Year Quotes. You can also call them happy new year quotes and send them to your friends and family as new year wishes. These inspirational new year quotes will inspire and motivate you to stick to your goals. We also have a good number of funny new year quotes if you are in a goofy mood and wants to send a humorous message to someone.
So, let’s dive in and explore some lengthy and some short new year quotes.
30 Quotes on New Year

“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering ‘it will be happier.”
– Alfred Lord Tennyson
“As this New Year approaches find inspiration around you, and motivation within you, to be all that you can be.”
– Kate Summers
“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language, and next year’s words await another voice.”
– T.S. Eliot
“Midnight on New Year’s Eve is a unique kind of magic where, just for a moment, the past and the future exist at once in the present.”
– Hillary DePiano

“Don’t go into the new year holding a grudge from last year. Leave the hurts and disappointments behind.”
– Joel Osteen
“May the New Year bring you the courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue so that I triumph even when I fall.”
– Aleister Crowley
“What do you need in the New Year? You need a dream; your dream needs an action, and your action needs right thinking! Without the right thinking, you can have only unrealized dreams!”
– Mehmet Murat Ildan

“The past prepares us for the present.”
– Lailah Gifty Akita
“It doesn’t matter where you came from. All that matters is, where you are going.”
– Brian Tracy
“We Become What We Think About.”
– Earl Nightingale

“This bright new year is given me, to live each day with zest, to daily grow and try to be My highest and my best!”
– William Arthur Ward
“The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it.”
– Chinese Proverb
“For a change, don’t add new things in your life as a new year’s resolution. Instead, do more of what’s already working for you and stop doing things that are time-waste.”
– Salil Jha

“With this morning’s sunrise comes a day of things that have never been.”
– Toni Sorenson
“A new year never dies; it just keeps on turning into a memory. Let’s help it to be a happy memory.”
– Munia Khan
“Let us do something incredible this New Year: Let us try to see the world from the window of other cultures!”
– Mehmet Murat Ildan
“This cannot be the year of talking. Of wishing. Of wanting. This has to be the year; you get it done.”
– Eric Thomas

“The finale of every year is a time to say goodbye to one year and welcome the coming of a new one. A blessed year may it be.”
– Kate Summers
“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”
– Rainer Maria Rilke
“A new year, a new day to live the purpose we were meant to live. Are you living your passion, are you loving each day? It is never too late to change, taking one step at a time.”
– Catherine Pulsifer
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
– Albert Einstein

“Think BIG and don’t listen to people who tell you it can’t be done. Life’s too short to think small.”
– Tim Ferriss
“As you go through your week, month, and even New Year, recognize the people who have packed your parachute and enabled you to get where you are today.”
– Unknown
“What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.”
– Unknown
“No year should start with traces of resentment hanging in the air. The greatest gift we can give ourselves and others is the gift of forgiveness.”
– Brenda Shoshanna
“Some will be glad the year is over. Some will end the year with regrets. What does this new year hold for you?”
– Sumner M. Davenport
“The New Year symbolizes the ending of one year and the beginning of yet another. We celebrate this event, send new year wishes, yet it is only a moment in time, like any other day, but you can choose to make it meaningful by the actions you take.”
– Catherine Pulsifer
“While the fates permit, live happily; life speeds on with hurried step, and with winged days the wheel of the headlong year is turned.”
– Seneca Fate
“Forget yesterday and last month and last year, with their gloomy diary of failures and disappointments. All that is in the past.”
– Og Mandino

“A great attitude becomes a great day which becomes a great month which becomes a great year which becomes a great life.”
– Mandy Hale