“I still fall for you every day.”
? Unknown
Lucky to Have You in My Life Quotes for Him
Life becomes beautiful and cheerful when we find a lovable partner who loves us like there is no tomorrow. It turns into a bowl of cherries because all you can think about is that individual who always makes you happy. This person is interested in you and your likes and dislikes. Whenever you are with him, you forget the worries and troubles of your life. Let us cherish the love showered by such a person with the help of the quotes mentioned below.
“You are my One in 6 billion.”
? Unknown
“I have a best friend, boyfriend and true love, and I am lucky, they’re all the same person. YOU.”
? Anonymous
“You are one of the reasons why I smile.”
? Anonymous
“This life would kill me if I didn’t have you.”
? Unknown
“You make me happy in a way no one else can.”
? Unknown
“I don’t want to lose you. That’s my worst fear.”
? Anonymous
“Can I keep you and never let you go? Can I hold your hand and hug you tight? Can I tell the world how lucky I am to have you in my life?”
? Anonymous
“Happiness is… feeling lucky to have you in my life.”
? Anonymous

“Never have I ever wanted someone as bad as I want you.”
? Unknown
“I must’ve done something right to deserve you in my life.”
? Unknown
“God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you.”
? Unknown
“I wonder if you know how special you are. I wonder if you know how precious you are. I wonder if you know how lucky I am to have you in my life. I love you so much.”
? Unknown
“Some people search their whole lives to find what I found in you.”
? Unknown
“How lucky I am having something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”
? Winnie the Pooh
“I look at you and know I’m lucky to have someone as perfect as you who I love and trust always.”
? Anonymous
“I feel like I can conquer the world with one hand when you’re holding the other one.”
? Anonymous
“I may be a little jealous, I may also be a bit selfish, but that’s because I found something so precious and so amazing and I don’t want anyone else to have you, but me.”
? Unknown
“This is from my heart, to thank you for everything you have done for me, for all the times I forgot to tell you how I feel about you and how happy I am that you are in my life.”
? Anonymous
“You smile, your little jokes and the way you laugh lights up my day. I’m lucky to have you in my life because I know I’ll never find anyone like you. You are perfect, even if you say you are not.”
? Anonymous
I Want You Back Quotes for Her
Have you lost the love of your life? Is the only girl whom you trusted has broken your heart? Are you willing to do anything to get her back into your life? There are situations and times in life when even after getting a brutal betrayal by the person whom you considered everything, you want to get her back. You cannot forget about the moments that you have shared. The following quotes can assist you in healing your shattered heart caused by lady love.

“The heart never rests, never stops aching, when the anchor of its love is lost.”
? Anonymous
“Years from now, when you are with someone who treats you much better than I did, think of me fondly and all the times I made you smile.”
— Anonymous
“All I have left of you is memory and the hairpins you left upon my dresser. I want you so I could once more see you pin those upon your hair, life would have meaning again.”
— Anonymous
“When you left, days passed by, blur after blur of meaningless affairs, all empty, all lonely. Breathe into me again, give back my purpose, please, let me love you again, I want you sweetheart.”
? Unknown
“Suddenly, all the color left, and all that was left was the grey and dullness of the monotonous existence of being single instead of being one with you.”
— Anonymous
“These days, I found myself hating the holidays and resenting merrymakers. How can I be happy when the only source of light has left me bare and broken?”
? Anonymous
“My heart cannot find rest while you are gone, everything has lost its color since you are not here, I miss you, in short, I just feel I am nothing without you.”
? Unknown
“The biggest mistake of my life was letting you go. Now I know that you are never going to come back. I am just living with a hope!”
? Unknown
“Trust me, all I want is to be with you. I love your flaws, laugh, smile, tears, mistakes, errors, nagging and lies. Despite everything, I just want to be with you again.”
? Unknown
“I know you will not come back and I have lost a gem like you. But still, it will take me a lifetime to accept that you are not mine and I have spent my whole life without you.”
— Anonymous

“I only hope that in the dark of night in a thousand million days from now, beneath the starry stars, you will think of coming back to me.”
— Unknown
“I love the love hate relationship that we share. There are times when I don’t want to see your face and sometimes, I just can’t stay away from you. I don’t know what is it, but I just want you all my life.”
? Anonymous
“There is not a single day when i don’t think about you and I don’t miss you. I just want to go back in time and cherish all those memories that I have with you. Because, if not with you, I would love to live with your memories.”
? Anonymous
“I wonder if you have ever thought about me after we parted ways. I wonder if you still remember my face, I wonder whether we can ever be together again. I wonder if life can ever take a route from which we still refrain.”
— Unknown

“Letting someone you love go is like exhaling your soul, and hope becomes the poison you are left to breathe in.”
— Anonymous
“Losing you is seeing that precious jewel fall from a finger into the sea, forever carried away by the tide.”
— Unknown
“I know you will never return, but every day I light a candle upon my window, hoping it will guide you back.”
— Unknown
“My mind tries to forget but my body remembers your touch, the feel of your warmth, the scent of your hair, the smell of your breath, and I weep as it aches in longing.”
? Anonymous
“What can be more valuable than our relationship? Nothing more than you… You are the reason to love this world… Our world!”
— Anonymous
“Can anything be more valuable than our love? Since you are with me, my only measurement is in heartbeats.”
— Anonymous
“No matter what people say, I will keep loving you until my heart beats no more. Without you, I am no more. you are my everything.”
— Anonymous
“You are the source of my joy, the center of my world and the whole of my heart. You are my everything, love.
— Anonymous
“I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes.”
— Anonymous
The Bond We Share Quotes
Everyone wants a person in life with whom they can talk about anything and everything. It is the bond that glues them together and lets them grow in their respective fields. Sometimes, we don’t have a name for such a bond that we share, but we cherish every single thing of that bond. The following Happy To Have You in My Life Quotes will help you appreciate the significance of such connections.

“Words are a pretext. It is the inner bond that draws one person to another, not words.”
? Rumi
“A bond between souls is ancient – older than the planet.”
? Dianna Hardy
“Bond is stronger than blood. The family grows stronger by bond.”
? Itohan Eghide
“What joy to fully know and feel the bond of true friendship.”
? Jaye L. Knight
“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.”
? Richard Bach
Emotional Bonding Quotes
We make a lot of friends during our lives. There are, however, a select few with whom we have a strong emotional attachment. Friends aren’t only someone to hang out with and talk to. He needs to be someone with whom we can discuss anything and everything. With someone, we may say everything we want without fear of being condemned. Not only does a friend listen to us, but they also offer advice on how to improve our lives. This type of intimate bond can be shared with anyone with whom you feel emotionally at ease. The following are some quotes that may be used to honor such ties with words.

“If you don’t have an emotional connection to why you are trying to accomplish your goals, the odds are you won’t reach them or will quit trying.”
— Brett Hoebel
“Intimacy transcends the physical. It is a feeling of closeness that isn’t about proximity but of belonging. It is a beautiful emotional space in which two become one.”
— Steve Maraboli
“Losing someone you love, literally shatters you from inside and leaves your world empty. But sometimes, you must leave them alone and see how soon they bounce back in your life.”
— Anonymous
“There are more than a million stars in the sky and I wish upon every single one, hoping that it will bring you back to me.”
— Unknown
“You should never make a permanent decision based on a temporary emotion.”
— Unknown
What makes me happy?
No one in the world is tired of being happy. Everybody in this world wants to be satisfied. There can be different things for different people for their happiness. For instance, the chirping of birds, the first ray of sunlight on the face, the smiling kids, the tail-wagging dogs, etc., are the things that can make one grin. Primarily, nature can provide the required solace to everyone. Adoring God’s gift of the surrounding can bring calmness.
How do I stay happy alone?
Before answering this question, you must understand the difference between being lonely and alone. Being lonely is a feeling wherein you feel deprived and rejected by the world. Whereas being alone is when you are in your solitude, and you can enjoy this phase too. You can stay happy alone by enjoying your own company. Happiness does not depend on anyone else but yourself. Alone time is your “me time” in which you can pamper yourself and do all the things which make you happy like self-grooming, dancing, listening to music, and binge-watching.
What makes life happy?
Life is full of ups and downs. A person cannot feel the same way throughout his life. He may experience different emotions at different stages of his life. Only he can make his life happy by enjoying and cherishing his own company, living amicably with people around him, and accepting life positively. The happiness of everyone’s life depends upon the efforts that one puts in to make it positive. One cannot be happy by cribbing about every single thing and expecting God to do a miracle.
What is the greatest secret of human power?
The greatest secret of human power is to love. With love, any war can be won. The foes can be turned into friends. History is evident that war and hate only lead to destruction. However, love can do anything. A person who carries love in his heart wherever he goes is regarded a God’s person. He is thought to possess many powers that distinguish him from the rest of the world.
What is the deep secret of life?
The secret of life is that there is no secret. People start living truly when they stop living for themselves and shower everything on others without any self-benefits. We all are created in the same way, so there is no point in discrimination, hate, or jealousy.
What is a positive attitude?
A person with a positive attitude can find out happiness and joy in any given situation. When a person remains optimistic about any case, the attitude that he carries is said to be a positive attitude. Such people always keep their hope alive and never lose their patience and calm.
What is a strong bond in friendship?
People say that a friend in need is a friend indeed. That means a true friend is someone who consistently supports you come what may. This is the mantra of a strong friendship. True friends are always above their personal benefits and are always available for each other. A strong bond in a friendship is formed by the respect and mutual feelings that friends share with each other.
What are the 4 levels of friendship?
Best friends are not made overnight. Like any other relationship and bond, a friendship also gets stronger and deeper with time. There are four different levels of friendship:
- Acquaintances: When we know each other by name. We do not consider them our friends at this stage. We might need to see them a few more times in order to know them well. We do not have any bond with such people.
- Peer Friend: When we start observing that the other person also has the same interests and likes, we may move past the stage of being acquaintances to peer friends. At this stage, we develop a bond with such people, and we call them our peers.
- Close Friends: These are the people with whom we can share our life-related matters. These people are a part of our friend circle, and they understand us better than a peer friend. We may share common goals and hobbies.
- Best Friend: Now, a best friend is the one with whom we do not use any filter at all. We can tell that person anything and everything. This person knows the in and out of our lives. We can say anything in front of such a person without the fear of getting judged. Most of the memorable moments of our lives have been spent together. To reach this stage, a significant amount of loyalty and honesty is expected from both parties.
What are the 10 qualities of a good friend?
- Trustworthy: A friend has to be trustworthy with whom we can share anything about our lives without being judged.
- Caring: We all need a person in our life that cares about what we feel. A friend is supposed to be our savior whom we can count on in any given situation.
- Loyal: A friend should be a reliable person we can depend on at every stage of our life.
- Funny: Everyone has baggage on their shoulders. But we enjoy the company of optimistic and fun-loving people. A friend is supposed to be humorous who can turn any serious situation into a funny one.
- Good listener: Friends are supposed to be good listeners. They are considered to be listening to our nonsense without judging us.
- Welcoming: A friend should never judge another friend. They should welcome our decisions happily and positively. A friend should accept us the way we are and never think of changing us.
- Compassionate: Every relationship needs compassion. An empathetic friend is the one who knows how to react in any given situation. That person should know how to forgive the friends and never look for a “thank you” or “sorry” in a friendship.
- Positive: We all avoid negative people. The aura of a toxic person makes people around them sad and disgusted. Hence, a friend is the one who stays positive in a difficult situation and never loses their cool no matter what happens.
- Helpful: Friends should be eager to help each other. They should be supporting each other without expecting any favors in return.
- Motivators: When the time comes, friends are the best motivators. A true buddy will always push us to reach our goals and inspire us to gather and focus all of our energy on our life’s purpose.
Before expecting the other person to possess all of these traits, we must cultivate these ourselves.
How can you tell a fake friend?
According to studies, it takes an average of 2-3 months to fake or simulate a relationship. To detect a phony buddy, though, we must trust our intuition. Our instincts are always correct. So, if we suspect a person who makes false commitments, gossips about us behind our backs constantly cause a fuss or a drama and is always nice to us whenever they require us, we should keep our distance from them. These individuals may be pretty poisonous in our lives and can snare decent people.